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We, at Uniflow, have a dynamic approach to the aspect of Quality ... and always strive to keep ourselves updated with the latest development in design, production techniques, inspection, etc. to bring out a product matching customer requirements.

We understand the rigorous applications and demands of different processing industries, from oil & gas to petrochemical to power to LNG. In fact, we believe the depth and breadth of our experience is unmatched, giving customers utmost confidence in our products.

All valves are manufactured as per “Quality Assurance Plan”. This ensures that they leave our premises only after having undergone rigorous checks and tests.

Uniflow is committed to total customer satisfaction and the products meet customer specifications as well as all relevant codes and standards. Each stage of manufacture is controlled by a meticulously implemented Quality Assurance Plan.

The Quality Assurance Plan of Uniflow has been certified to comply with:
  • ISO 9001:2008
  • API Spec. Q1

Further, the Quality Assurance Plan has been audited and approved by major customers.

The company is licensed to use API 6D monograms.

Our PMI testing capability goes above and beyond standard industry procedures, proving the composition of valve materials and underpinning our quality assurance.